I will be the first to admit that I am an easily distracted individual; luckily that tends to work to my advantage in my industry. Creativity never sleeps, so you want to make sure that you are constantly surrounded by inspiring belongings; particularly in the office where most of your work is being done. A large pin board of "this and thats" is a perfect example of a creative outlet in the workplace. Its a place to put images you came across in a magazine, post-its of ideas you jotted down, swatches of various finishes, etc...
A designer's work space can become cluttered very quickly with sample swatches, furniture and fixture brochures, among other things so organization is essential whether your work space is a corner of a room or an entire studio. My "10 year plan" consists of owning my own residential firm; perhaps with a friend or two from school. I would love to one day have a space like the studio in the last picture that I have every resource I need right at my finger tips. I love the brightness of the entire space, the warmth of the wood, the industrial feel in furniture and fixtures, and the organization of resources, its like a dream come true. Hopefully one day!!